Our drainage service can help keep water away from your property's structure, preventing it from seeping into cracks. We can correct the slope of the land by using foundation drains, such as French drains, to redirect water to a ditch or dry well. We may also add organic matter or rocks to increase the soil's water-holding capacity and help plants thrive. However, we caution against excessive settling, aeration, and moisture problems that can arise during this process.
If you're experiencing basement drainage issues, our Lee's Excavation LLC team can help identify the root cause and find a solution. We also offer drain cleaning services for ponds and septic systems. Updating your drainage systems periodically is essential, even if you already have one. Our excavating contractors have the expertise to handle various drainage service jobs. Contact us today in Clarksville, TN, to learn more about how we can help.

Head Office
Clarksville, TN
Business Hours
Mon-Sun : Opens 24 Hours